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Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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The Un-Bacon? For real?

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schmaconCHICAGO (PRNewswire)  ̶  Schmaltz Products LLC announced Tuesday it is launching Read more...

Citibank survey shows small business owners feel better about conditions

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consumers21Half of all U.S. small business owners say business conditions are good or excellent, the most since at least 2010, according to the findings released today from Citibank® Small Business Pulse.


Chamber names new president

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An Ohio financial advisor with experience as a chamber of commerce leader has been named the new president of the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce.

Jeffrey Griffin, 43, will take the chamber reins on Feb. 10, the chamber said in a news release. He replaces Roberta Parks, who resigned to take over the Methodist...


Changing management of Marriott hotels will "maximize operations," Matthews says

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newpereChanging management companies for the Marriott Hotel Pere Marquette and the soon-to-open Marriott Courtyard is a simple matter of proximity and convenience, project developer Gary Matthews said Monday.

There is nothing wrong with the Marriott management style but changing to a third-party company that is closer and thus more knowledgeable of the region  ̶ ...


Home sales remained stable in 2013

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soldIn a still-shaky economy, stable is good when it comes to home sales in central Illinois, said officials of the Peoria Area Association of Realtors.

That was basically what 2013 brought: Sales increased by just 18 houses, or 0.4 percent, from 2012, but it marked the third consecutive year sales increased, regardless of the amount.

That along with other encouraging...


Cat reports improved Q1 profit

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600px-Caterpillar logoBetter than expected results in two of its business units propelled Caterpillar Inc. to an increase in first quarter profit even though overall sales were basically flat when compared with the first three months of 2013, the company reported Thursday.

Caterpillar reported a profit of $922 million, or $1.44 a share, on first quarter...


Cat reports profit, albeit a lower one, for 2013

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600px-Caterpillar logoCaterpillar Inc. on Monday reported that while sales and revenues were down again, the fourth quarter profit was up from a year earlier and that other signs were pointing to stability in 2014.

With record operating cash flow and plans to buy back another $10 billion in stocks, as well as improved market position, the company chose...


Winter wreaked havoc on Q1 home sales

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It came as no surprise that home sales in the Peoria area were off significantly during the first quarter, said officials from the Peoria Area Association of Realtors.

One of the wettest and coldest winters in central Illinois history, which also extended further into spring than normal, left sales...


Caterpillar maintains dividend rate

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Caterpillar Inc, announced it will maintain its quarterly cash dividend rate of 60 a share for the fourth quarter.

Caterpillar's board of directors voted Wednesday to maintain the rate, which will be payable Feb. 20, 2014 to shareholders of record at the close of business on Jan. 21, 2014, the company said.

"600px-Caterpillar logoFollowing the...


Cat maintains cash dividend rate

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600px-Caterpillar logoCaterpillar Inc. announced Wednesday it will maintain its quarterly cash dividend at 60 cents per share of common stock.

The dividend, approved...


PAAR offering grants to tornado victims

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paar-logoVictims of the Nov. 17 tornadoes that ripped through Washington and other parts of the region can receive financial assistance for housing purposes through the Peoria Area Association of Realtors.

The association will host a housing outreach program from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Countryside Banquet Center in Washington for those displaced by the tornadoes...


New CEO Council director says Peoria is 'on the right path'

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Lynch HeadshotJim Lynch is excited about the direction downtown development is headed but acknowledges there are challenges to be met to realize the vision that exists today.

As the new executive director of the Peoria CEO Council, which is under the umbrella of the Greater Peoria Business Alliance, he will be the driver of that bus...


New Museum CEO has the right kind of experience

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Sam Gappmayer will bring to Peoria a knowledge of art and the experience of running a multi-faceted museum when he takes over as head of the Peoria Riverfront Museum on Dec. 2, said the chairman of the museum's board.

That experience along with ideas he is already forming has the board "universally enthusiastic and excited" about Gappmayer, said David Ransburg.

"After meeting with Sam we believe he will be a very effective leader...


Peoria best city in Illinois, 35th top city in U.S. well-being ranking

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well-beingPeoria ranks at the top in Illinois and 35th in the country in the annual measure of well-being compiled by Gallup-Healthways, aimed at civic leaders in the nation's largest 189 cities.

Peoria's ranking in the 2013 State of American Well-Being Index released this week shows the community, for the most part, is thriving in terms of being productive, performance...


Methodist-Proctor union completed

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UP Proctor Methodist Logo color3TierPeoria now has two fine hospital companies, and they will be handling area health care needs on three hospital campuses.

Proctor Hospital is now part of UnityPoint Health and will be called UnityPoint Proctor, affiliated with UnityPoint Methodist, after approval for the merger came from the Illinois Health...


Cat participates in China development forum

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Caterpillar Inc.'s commitment to China was reinforced recently by the company's strong participation in that country's annual development strategy forum.

Caterpillar Chairman Doug Oberhelman co-chaired the 2014 China Development Forum along with Li Wei, minister of development research center of the State Council of China. The event was in Beijing March 22-24.

Oberhelman said he was pleased with China's commitment to transform...


Running Central moving to the Warehouse District

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Running Central, which has become one of the top fitness attire retailers in central Illinois, will join the move to the Warehouse District next spring, owner Adam White announced on Tuesday.

Running Central will move from its current location in Peoria Heights to 311 SW Water St. in downtown Peoria, former site of Illinois Antique Center. The move will take place after the 10,000-square-foot space is renovated and will occur around April...


New Chamber president is on the job

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Griffin-headshotJeff Griffin said he was attracted to Peoria by several things that led him to seek the position of president of the Peoria Area Chamber of Commerce.

After listing some of those things, he said, "It just felt right."

Now the chamber's new president, who started on Feb. 10, Griffin said he intends to keep the organization the...


Cat: Mining downturn continues to plague sales, profits

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600px-Caterpillar logoSales within the mining industry, a bright spot for Caterpillar Inc. just a few years ago, were down again in the third quarter and proved to be a drag on overall sales and profits during the period, the company announced Wednesday.

Further, it resulted in Caterpillar downgrading its outlook for the full year and issing a cautious...


Local development group gets a shot at the Madison

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Madison Theatre

A local development team has been granted exclusive rights to work toward rehabilitating the Madison Theater and the connected retail building, the city of Peoria and the theater owners announced Friday.

That team, called NXG Developments, will have 90 days to negotiate a purchase of the Madison from the Comfort family and the adjacent...


Local real estate market deemed stable despite drop in Q3 sales

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soldDespite what it called a slight drop in third quarter home sales from a year ago, the Peoria Area Association of Realtors said Tuesday that there is stability in the local housing market.

That, new PAAR President Tonya Burris said, bodes well for the future.

"We are right where we should be in some aspects, including in inventory, and we are starting to...