The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Report shows math and reading skills on decline among 12 graders

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graduates1Results from The Nation's Report Card: 2015 Mathematics and Reading at Grade 12 indicate...


Area home sales up in first quarter

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Home sales were up in the first quarter when compared with a year earlier and prices continued to rise, as well, according to the Peoria Area Association of Realtors.

There were 954 homes sold, including single family houses and condominiums, during...


By the numbers: Back to school

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schoolbusSummer is winding down and vacations are coming to an end, signaling that back-to-school...


Southside to get a grocery store

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Save logoPeoria's southside soon will have a neighborhood grocery store.

On Tuesday the city announced that Save-A-Lot will open this summer at the former site of Aldi's, 210 S. Western Ave.

“Prayers and wishes...


Five Points becoming part of the equation; comedy show a start

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5points5It’s probably not every day that the Chicago-based comedy group that gave us Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Mike Meyers and Chris Farley is used as a “test case.”

But in a way, that’s exactly how the comedy show called “Comedy Rocks,” scheduled for Saturday,...


Passport parking now available downtown

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city logoThe City of Peoria has announced a new way to pay for the parking meters in the downtown area.

passportparkingThe city has introduced...


Wildlife Prairie Park: Get your adventure on for free!

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I’ve never liked zoos much. “Loath” is a better word. The animals remain essentially caged in dressed-up, artificial settings. They quite often are bored and listless. They don’t hunt; they are fed. They don’t have miles to roam; they have yards. Try as they might to create “natural habitats” zoos ultimately fall short.

That’s why Peorians should be proud of what Wildlife Prairie Park has...


Rated PG: Of hoverboards and basketball

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Hoverboards get the heave-ho at Bradley

hoverDo you think the makers of hoverboards ever anticipated that the people most apt to own one would be banned from using it most places?

Today we learned that Bradley University is the latest college of many to ban the contraptions...


Millennials now outnumber boomers

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census logoMillennials, Americans born between 1982 and 2000, now number 83.1 million and represent more than one quarter...


Molly Crusen Bishop: Finding success swimming with sharks

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mollylogoMore than 100,000 people auditioned for ABC’s hit TV show “Shark Tank”. Only two have ever been asked to come back a second time after an unsuccessful first pitch, and one of them is from Peoria.

He is Dave Alwan and he successfully...


Flood update: Fireworks show will go on; Water Street reopened

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The city of Peoria’s amazing Fourth of July fireworks show will go on as scheduled despite the flooding that has altered traffic in downtown Peoria.

fireworksThe City Manager’s office said Friday that the UnityPoint Health-Methodist/Proctor Red, White & BOOM show will see some...


Get ready to pony up!

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city logoSo, you know those parking tickets you never paid, figuring by now you’ve gotten away with it?

Think again.


Part of Water Street to close because of flooding

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city logoThe City of Peoria said today it will close Water Street to vehicles, from Main to Harrison streets, beginning at midnight tonight, (Friday, June 26) so crews can reinforce the flood barrier along the riverfront. The closure will last until further notice.

Businesses located on the riverfront...


Clayton named Civic Center general manager

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Anne ClaytonAnne Clayton, interim general manager of the Peoria Civic Center for six months, was named to the position full-time, the Civic Center announced on Monday.



Holding back water allows riverfront events to go on

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floodwall1Steamboat Days will happen as scheduled and riverfront businesses will remain open this coming weekend as the city of Peoria has been able to keep...


Fire Chief Tomblin moves up retirement date; new chief named

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city logoKent Tomblin, Peoria Fire Chief for nearly nine years, announced Friday he will retire at the end of this month. His last day will be Nov. 27.

Tomblin announced his decision...


Warehouse District set for building work

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Bonnie Noble will retire in April, 2016

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Bonnie Noble full 2009Bonnie W. Noble, executive director of the Peoria Park District the last 24 years, announced Monday she will retire at the end of next April.

In 43 years with the Park District, including 19 years...


OSF now offers 24/7 online medical service

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osf oncallOSF Healthcare is offering a new service that provides 24/7 access to medical care over the Internet.

OSF OnCall, which is made for non-emergency, minor...


Winterfest planned for downtown Peoria

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winterfest logoBeginning this winter, Peoria will have an outdoor ice skating rink in the heart of downtown, just in time for the holidays.

This week PNC Bank and the Peoria Civic Center announced the inaugural PNC Winterfest, which both entities hope will become a new holiday tradition to bring...


Aluminum cans the sustainable container of choice

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cansAluminum cans are the most recycled and highest value beverage container on the market today, according to a new report released...