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Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Can Your Fitness Tracker Save Your Life in the ER?

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Emergency physicians used a patient's personal activity tracker and smartphone to identify the time his heart arrhythmia started, which allowed them to treat his...


Windows 10 will be available July 29

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microsoft3Microsoft Corp. announced Monday that Windows 10 will be availableJuly 29in 190...


Streight: Why North Korea probably did NOT hack Sony

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passwordsecurityThere is growing skepticism in the cyber security and hacktivist crowd about North Korea being to blame for the recent Sony hack, supposedly involving “The Interview” film.

One thing the mainstream media gets wrong is calling Sony Pictures “an American corporation.” It's a Japanese company, with an American division....


Large Hadron Collider – Searching for Unexpected Subatomic Phenomena

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CERN's (European Organization for Nuclear Research) last Facebook update was on March 26, 2015:

“A short circuit in a superconducting dipole magnet is delaying beam injection to the LHC. Teams are working around the clock to inCMS Silicon Tracker Arty HiResvestigate...


Streight: Using Facebook to improve the world

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facebook logoWant to improve the world? Be more actively engaged on Facebook  ̶  in a positive manner. Little things add up.

Here are 20 tips on how to use Facebook Netiquette to accomplish altruistic goals, plus a few ideas on troll smashing.


High number still text and drive

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For distracted drivers,...


14 Tips for Leaders Using Social Media

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social networkLeadership likes to be introspective. It also likes to appear pleasant and inoffensive. As public sensibilities grow keener, this becomes more difficult. However, it is smart to foster a corporate culture of diversity and sensitivity.

So, when it comes to social...


Keeping your data private

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privacyIn recognition of Data Privacy Daytoday, the American Bankers Association is urging bank customers...


Streight: Advice for the conference attendee

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qandaHaving recently attended a tech conference dealing with cyber security, data storage, and other IT issues, I thought about some of the things I typically do at these events. I decided to prepare a list of things that can make your attendance more productive.

These tips are designed especially for job seekers, career ladder climbers, and consultants...