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Is there life after 50? The Barn has the answer

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It’s a question that has been asked for centuries: Is there life after 50?

Depends on one’s definition of life, of course. But for sure, Conklin’s Barn II Dinner Theatre in Goodfield will be serving up one answer to the question with its production of the new comedy “Is There Life After Fifty,” which opens Thursday and runs through Sept. 14.

The seven-week run is the regional premiere of the comedy by Cynthia Hayes DiSavino that takes on the aging of the baby boomer generation.

According to the Barn II, the play centers on three couples who all raised their kids on the same street and have found a way to keep in touch after they move to new cities.

Each year, on Labor Day weekend, the friends vacation together. This year, the ladies have planned a little surprise: a healthy, all-natural weekend at a trendy health resort, complete with organic food and exercise. The men, who really come for the beer and snacks, are not pleased when they find out.

Tensions escalate into an all-out battle of the sexes and the cabin is divided, literally, into the men against the women. They battle over health food, exercise, pizza, The Godfather, rock and roll, hot tubs, hot flashes, tummy tucks and their refusal to become middle-aged.
Peoria theatre veteran Lana Warner portrays Martha, a new grandmother married to the newly retired school teacher Ed, played by Barn favorite Dan Challacombe. Bob Lane Jr. and Mary Simon portray Barb and Doug, a couple approaching middle age with polar opposite attitudes. Maria Lane and John Johnson are April and Gary, the youngest of the three couples. 

April Bieschke and Jimmy LaHood are featured as Tonia and Lance, two disgustingly fit, distressingly young employees of the resort.
The production is directed by Mary Simon with set design by April Bieschke.

Conklin’s Barn II features a buffet which, for evening performances, includes four main entrees including prime rib and fried chicken, with salad, homemade soup and cheese spread, and a choice of four homemade desserts.

Prices for dinner and show are $33 on Thursday, $35 on Friday evening and Sunday brunch, and $37 on Saturday evening, including tax. No advance payment is required.

For reservations, call (309) 965-2545. For more information, visit the Barn on the internet at