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Facebook's Secret Benefit: Psychic Relief for Criminals

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Tough guys don't dance, or eat quiche, but they do share their thoughts, hopes, and dreams on social media. If you're sulking around, feeling blue, in a bad mood, maybe you need to do what other gangstas are doing -- get on Facebook and start posting frequent updates.

Speak your mind, spill the beans, take a load off, vent and rant and let us know how you really feel -- and what you plan to do.

It's not your fault, the way you are. Society made you this way. We understand that. And we're here to help. So go right ahead and tell us what you're thinking right now. Who are you angry at? Who do you want to do something to? What specifically do you plan to do? Where, and at what exact time, will that happen?

It's not good to have no one to talk to, to wander around with bottled up rage and lust for revenge.

Telling others about it is very therapeutic. Facebook is a social network specifically designed to help you with these issues. Why do you think people get on Facebook and talk unreservedly about themselves, even uploading photos of themselves doing all sorts of things? Because it feels good, that's why.

Isn't it time you started feeling good? You deserve to benefit from the social media platform that everybody's using. They're feeling great as they unload their schemes, I mean plans, and now you can, too.

You'll feel so much better letting it all hang out on the Facebook psychiatrist couch. That's what it's here for -- for you to unburden yourself and set free the demons that plague your poor soul.

Don't keep it all pent up inside. Modern psychology has demonstrated that keeping all your secrets and plans locked up within is bad for your mental well-being. Scientific studies prove that talking is a cure. So talk, man, talk. Rest your weary head on the mighty shoulders of Facebook and let the community know what's running through your troubled mind.

I guarantee you'll love the results. And so will society. That's what we're here for. To listen to you. To sympathize with you. To seek to understand you and see things from your point of view. To admire your great skills and plans. Especially your plans.

Check out this article for more information.

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About the Author
Steven Streight is a man of many skills. He’s a talented writer, web content developer, internet marketing consultant and photographer. He’s a trustee on the Peoria Historical Society, a member of SCORE Peoria and the author of the Peoria technology history book, “Bicycle Fever.” In his downtime, he’s hangs out with his beloved Min Pin and tries to get some rest. Considering how involved he is in the community, it sounds like he could use as much as he can get.