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Letter: Bustos discusses VA issue

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Dear Editor: Our nation’s veterans deserve nothing but the very best.  That’s why I’m deeply troubled by the reported misconduct at Veterans Administration health centers across the country.  No hero who bravely fought for our nation should lose their life at the hands of those who are now supposed to be taking care of them.

I’m pleased that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder recently heeded my call to open a criminal investigation into misconduct at VA centers across the country.  We must hold accountable those responsible for any crimes committed against our veterans.

I have also proactively taken steps to better support our veterans as this investigation continues.  I was proud to support the bipartisan Veterans Access to Care Act which will help ensure all veterans get the care they deserve and earned by expanding veterans’ ability to seek care at non-VA facilities under certain conditions, strengthen Congress’ oversight of the VA and eliminate performance-related bonuses for VA employees.

I continue to be in regular contact with the directors of the VA health systems that serve our region and with local veterans to hear about their experiences with the VA firsthand.  I recently stopped by the Galesburg VA Clinic unannounced to learn about the situation firsthand from the veterans and staff there.  I will be continuing my aggressive oversight of and engagement with the hospital systems that serve veterans across our region in the coming days and weeks.

In my short time in office, I have made veterans a priority, not only in Washington, but with the day to day service we give to our constituents here in Illinois.  My office recently hosted a veterans’ benefits workshop to connect veterans who have questions with expert caseworkers from the VA and other organizations that serve the heroes in our communities.  If you know of any veterans who may need assistance, please encourage them to contact any of my offices.  My staff and I are honored to serve those who served our country.


U.S. Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Illinois 17)